Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Bibliography on Demand – Compilations

7282Commodity future market efficiency in India and macro economic impacts.
7283A study to access the levels of stress, coping mechanisms and quality of life among cardiac surgical patients.
7284Financial performance analysis of cement industry
7285Financial performance effectiveness of regional rural banks: a study with reference to sapthagiri Grameena Bank.
7286Quality of work life of library professionals in colleges university of Haryana.
7287Human resource management
7288Translation of books/journals/thesis/report etc from english to Indian languages and vice-versa.
7289Financial inclusion though microfinance: a case study of MFI's and RRB's in the states of punjab, haryana and himachal pradesh.
7290Human resource development practices:a study with special reference to southern power distribution company of Andhra Pradesh limited.
7291(1) Studies on adjustment problems of school children(14-18 years)
(2) Studies on value patterns……..
(3) Studies on value pattern of college students (18-21 years)
(4) Comparative studies on value patterns of tribal and non trible coll students
(5) Studies on any medieral educational institutions/religius institutions (India or abroad)

7293Organization and management of university libraries in north India with special reference to Utter Pradesh.
7294HRD/HRM in Indian commercial banks.
7295Efficacy of different instructional media on academic achievement and self concept of XII class students in teaching of economics.
7296A comparative study on the performance of sankar cement and Tamil Nadu cement industry.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Bibliography on Demand – Compilations

7260. Study on golg price trend and buying behavior attitude and usage pattern of jewellers in India.
7261. Population awareness in relation to attitude towards population education of university teachers and  students.
7262. A study of consumer behavior and perception of edible oil with special reference to India.
7264. Administr...ative effectiveness among senior secondary school principals in relation to value patterns    and personality traits.
7265. Mental health,self esteem and coping among rape victims in India.
7267. HIV/ AIDS awareness among adolescent girls.
7268. Socio- economic status of dalit women in India.
          (a) Historical perspective.
          (b) Contemporary status.
7269. Behavioural issues in policing- an internal perspective.
7270. Role of government for developing farming households through social audit- a sociological study of 
     selected districts of Tamil Nadu.
7271. Examination anxiety, selfesteem and emotional stability among senior secondary school students.
7272. Quality of work life in Banks: an inter-sectoral study.
7276. Towards a struggle to disarn: war and confliet in the work of selected African/Nigerion women 
7277. Optimism, sprituality and self efficaly as a predictor of burnout in health professionals.
7279. A study of transaction of secondary teachers educatoinal curricular experiences on the development 
   of teaching professional ethics among male and female secondary teachers at their intelligence.
7280. Effect of empowerment and job satisfaction of secondary school women teachers in relation to 
      religiosity, merital status and type of institution.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Bibliography on Demand – Compilations

  1. Skill matrix for sales force management with reference to sales person role in organized retailing sector in Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu.
  2. Emotional intelligence with creativity, emotional intelligence with stress and emotional intelligence with academic achievements.
  3. Changing marriage practices in tribal areas of Himachal Pradesh.
  4. Evaluation of health policy in Chattisgarh.
  5. Gender difference on academic achievement in CBSE 10th  class examination in Guwahati.
  6. A sociological study of health level of slum dwellers: with special reference to Raipur.
  7. Social competence among teacher trainees in and Cittoor and Nellore districts of Andhra Pradesh.
  8. Economics of cropping pattern.
  9. Wage discrimination gender gap in unorganized sector (labour).
  10. 10. A study on value orientation among secondary school students

Monday, 7 May 2012

New Arrivals

A list of ICSSR supported research project reports, Ph.D. Theses, Reference Works, New Books, etc. acquired during the period of January - March 2011.