E-resources of NASSDOC & ICSSR Consortium
Econlit with full text (EBSCO): Contains all of the indexing available in EconLit, plus full text for nearly 600 journals, including the American Economic Association journals with no embargo (American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Literature, and Journal of Economic Perspectives). This database also contains many non-English full-text journals in economics & finance. Volume and issue browsing is available for all full-text journals. It provides links to full-text articles in all fields of economics, including capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, government regulations, labour economics, monetary theory, urban economics and much more. Users can also access Computer Source Consumer Edition, Military & Government Collection, Primary Search, ERIC & MAS ultra
(Accessible at 24 ICSSR Research Institutes, 2 Regional Centres, NASSDOC and ICSSR, New Delhi)
Indiastat (Datanet India): Indiastat is India's comprehensive information portal that provides recent, authentic & exhaustive socio-economic data/information. It is a cluster of 51 sites including India-specific, Sector specific and State specific sites with authentic and comprehensive compilation of secondary level socio-economic statistical data about India and its states on more than 35 variables
(Accessible at 22 ICSSR Research Institutes, 2 Regional Centres, NASSDOC and ICSSR, New Delhi)
JSTOR: JSTOR is an online archival database produced by ITHAKA, a non- profit organisation. It provides access to full text journal articles from more than 2000 academic journals and scholarly content. The contents are provided by more than 900 publishers in more than 50 disciplines. Because of JSTOR’s archival mission, there is a gap from 1-5 years between the most recently published journal issue and the back issues available in JSTOR. The most recent 3-5 years are generally unavailable. The subjects covered are: Economics, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Geography, Education, Psychology, Asian Studies, Public Policy, Library Science, Population Studies, Management, Business, Marketing and Finance, Public Affairs, History, etc.. Overall subjects have been categorised in different Collection (I – IX). Links have been provided from JSTOR to titles that are common to JSTOR and other collections e.g. Project MUSE, Periodicals Index Online, etc.
(Accessible at 22 ICSSR Research Institutes, 2 Regional Centres, NASSDOC and ICSSR, New Delhi)
Prowess IQ (Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, CMIE): Prowess is database of large and medium Indian firms. It includes the data on the financial performance of the firms from 1989 onwards. It contains detailed information of over 20,000 firms. These comprise - All companies traded on India's major stock exchanges and several others including the central public sector enterprises. The database covers most of the - Organised Industrial activities; Banking and Organised financial and other services sectors in India. Prowess provides detailed information on each company. This includes a normalised database of the financials covering 1,500 data items and ratios per company. Besides, it provides quantitative information on - Production, Sales, and Consumption of raw material and Energy. Totally, the number of indicators per company is close to two thousand. Such information is usually available for over ten years.
(Accessible at 29 ICSSR Research Institutes, 2 Regional Centres, NASSDOC and ICSSR, New Delhi)
Sage Research Method Online Database: Sage Research Methods Online Database provides access to more than 600 Books, 100,000 pages of book, journal and reference content covering almost 2,000 qualitative and mixed methods topics and terms from SAGE. Its “Methods Map” allows to create a visual search “map” from the taxonomy that links methods or authors. “Methods Collection” allows listing of the articles and chapters that have been found most useful and a user can explore other user’s lists using the Methods Collections – and share his/her collection with colleagues and students. SRM includes video interviews with some of the leading authors in the field. It provides Counter Compliant Usage Statistics, MARC Records, Open URL Compliance and DOIs for book chapters registered with Cross Ref.
(Accessible at NASSDOC and ICSSR, New Delhi)
J Gate: J-Gate is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature. Launched in 2001 by Informatics India Limited, J-Gate provides seamless access to millions of journal articles available online offered by 4700+ Publishers. It presently has a massive database of journal literature, indexed from 13860+ e-journals with links to full text at publisher sites. In J-Gate cover-to-cover indexing is done. Coverage of over 50 lac articles with back files for majority of them from 2001 onwards and in some case of some publishers starting from their first issue also. NASSDOC has subscribed to (1) Social Science & Management Collection and (2) Library & Information Science Collection.
(Accessible at NASSDOC and ICSSR, New Delhi)
Soc-Index with Full Text (Ebsco-Host): SocINDEX offers comprehensive coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. It contains informative abstracts for core coverage journals dating as far back as 1895 and provides data mined from priority coverage journals and selective coverage journals. Complete with extensive indexing for books, monographs, conference papers and other non-periodical content sources and also includes searchable cited references. It includes: nearly 900 full-text journals and magazines; more than 850 full-text books and monographs; dozens of working papers, dissertations and conference proceedings; Abstracts for more than 1,500 core coverage journals dating as far back as 1895; Data mined from 330 priority coverage journals; nearly 2.5 million records and subject headings from a 27,000+ term sociological thesaurus.
(Accessible at NASSDOC and ICSSR, New Delhi)
Political Science Complete (Ebsco-Host): Political Science Complete provides extensive coverage of political topics with a worldwide focus, reflecting the globalization of contemporary political discourse. Designed specifically for students, researchers and government institutions, it covers top-ranked scholarly journals, many of which are unique to the product. It includes, more than 660 full-text journals, nearly 340 full-text reference books and monographs, nearly 45,000 full-text conference papers and provides with a subject-specific thesaurus of nearly 24,000 terms.
(Accessible at NASSDOC and ICSSR, New Delhi)
Psyc-Articles (Proquest): PsycArticles offers full-text articles for journals published by the American Psychological Association. The database includes all material from the print journals. Many titles go back to volume 1, issue 1. It covers Applied psychology, Communication systems, Developmental psychology, Educational psychology, Experimental human and animal psychology, Personality, Psychological and physical disorders, Physiological psychology and neuroscience, Professional personnel and issues, Psychometrics and statistics, Social psychology, Social processes and issues, Sports psychology and leisure and Treatment and prevention. It covers the period dating back to 1894 to current date.
(Accessible at NASSDOC and ICSSR, New Delhi)
Other Machine Readable Databases
A. CD ROM Databases
AGRIS (1975-2000)
All India Index to English books in print
Business Abstracts CD-ROM (1999-2003,2008)
Dissertation Abstracts on Disc: A Humanities and Social Sciences (with abstracts) (1987-2003)
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Centre) (with abstracts) (1966-2000)
International Bibliography of Social Science (1981-2002)
ISID Research Reference CD (without abstracts)
Journal Citation Report (2000, 2002)
PAIS International (Public Affairs Information Service)
POPLINE (Population Online) (with abstracts) (2002)
Singapore National Bibliography (1998-2002)
Social Sciences Citation Index with Abstracts (1998-99, 2003)
Social Science Index (without abstract) (1983-2000)
Social Sciences Index / Full Text (1989-1999)
UNESCO CD-ROM (1997-2002)
Vans Electronic Library (2000-2001)
Wilson Social Science Abstracts
Women Studies International (1972-2004)
B. Statistical Databases
Annual Survey of Industries, 1973-74 to 1997-98
Domestic Product of States of India, 1960-1961 to 2000-01
Economic Intelligence Service (2004-2005) (CMIE, India)
FAO STAT (Food and Agriculture Statistics) (2001)
Global Development Finance on CD-ROM
National Accounts Statistics of India 1950-51 to 2000-01
UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics (2002)
World Development Indicators on CD-ROM (1999, 2003)
C. Other Databases
Indian Business Insight Database (IBID)