A Quarterly Calendar of forthcoming conferences, seminars, workshops, courses, etc. in social sciences and other cognate disciplines. In this publication, entries in chronological order provide information about date, title, venue and address of the contact point / sponsoring body of the forthcoming conference, seminar etc. In a few cases the information provided is incomplete. Such information is provided with the intention that even incomplete information is useful in some cases. Appended are subject and location (Geographical) indexes.
The main objective of this publication is to disseminate advance intimation about the forthcoming conferences and seminars to interested scholars so that they may consider participating in such events. Enquiries about other additional information regarding these conferences and seminars should be addressed to person/organization mentioned as a contact point in this publication.
While adequate care has been taken in reproducing information from various sources, NASSDOC assumes no legal responsibility for its correctness. Suggestions are welcome.
Social Science Conference Alert - January 2018 onwards
Social Science Conference Alert - October 2017 onwards
Social Science Conference Alert - January 2017 onwards
CONFERENCE ALERT (No.3 July 2012-)
The main objective of this publication is to disseminate advance intimation about the forthcoming conferences and seminars to interested scholars so that they may consider participating in such events. Enquiries about other additional information regarding these conferences and seminars should be addressed to person/organization mentioned as a contact point in this publication.
While adequate care has been taken in reproducing information from various sources, NASSDOC assumes no legal responsibility for its correctness. Suggestions are welcome.
Social Science Conference Alert Vol 1 No 4 Oct-Dec 2019
Social Science Conference Vol 1 No 3 Alert July Sept 2019
Social Science Conference Alert Vol 1 No 2 April 2019
Social Science Conference Alert February 2019 Vol 1 No 1
Social Science Conference Alert - April 2018 onwardsSocial Science Conference Alert - January 2018 onwards
Social Science Conference Alert - October 2017 onwards
Social Science Conference Alert - January 2017 onwards
CONFERENCE ALERT (No.1 January 2013)
CONFERENCE ALERT (No.4 October 2012-)
CONFERENCE ALERT (No.3 July 2012-)
Good one