Thursday, 17 January 2013

RRC Meeting : Collaborative Librarianship in Social Networking Environment

(An organ of Ranganathan Research Trust, Regd.:25953, 1995)
J8/123, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi

We have the pleasure to announce the 141st Monthly Meeting of RRC in collaboration with National Social Science Documentation Centre, New Delhi on 19th January 2013 (3rd Saturday) at 10.00 hrs. 

Venue : National Social Science Documentation Centre, Firojshah Road, Mandi House, New Delhi-110 016.

Speaker : Mr. Raj Kumar Bhardwaj, Librarian, St. Stephen’s College, Delhi.

Topic : Collaborative Librarianship in Social Networking Environment

Chairperson : Dr. P.R. Goswami, Director, NASSDOC, New Delhi

Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting and participate to benefit the group by discussions.

Fresh Arrivals for Circulation

1.  Annual review of psychology/Fiske, Susan T. --Palo Alto: Annual Reviews RR 150.5 ANN-
2. Business analytics and business intelligence in management/Mishra, R.K. - New Delhi: Elsevier, 2012 658.472 MIS-B
3. Conveying concerns on Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): an analysis of print media coverage/Sahu, Nutan Kumari, 2010 TS 1083
4. Demand and supply estimates of school teachers and teacher educators (2007-08 -- 2016-17) (29 Vols)/National Council for Teacher Education. --New Delhi: the author, 2010 RR 371.100954 NAT-
5. Financial management practices in India: an inter-industry comparison/Rajesh Kumar., 2008 TR.0394
6. Guide to Indian periodical literature: social sciences and humanities/ Satyaprakash. --Gurgaon: Indian Documentation Service RR 015.54 GUI-
7. History of Japanese political thought, 1600-1901/Hiroshi, Watanabe. --Tokyo: International House of Japan, 2012 320.50952 HIR-H
8. Implications of WTO on Indian cotton textile industry / Tirumala Rao, P., 2011   TT 0187
9. Local budgeting and people's planning: a study of PRIs in Rajasthan and Kerala / Ganguly, Kaushik.-New Delhi: Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability, 2009 320.8409544083 GAN-L
10. Matsumoto Shigeharu: bearing witness / Jun, Kaimai. --Tokyo:      International House of Japan, 2012 RR 920.552 JUN-M
11. Rice biofortification: lessons for global science and development/Brooks,   Sally. --London: Earthscan, 2010 633.18 BRO-R
12. Thirtieth gulf summit: accomplishments and aspirations/Gulf Cooperation Council, Kuwa. --Kuwait: Gulf Cooperation Council, 2009  953.06 THI-
13. UPUEA Economic journal: a biannual bilingual journal of economics:      conference volume 2011 / Uttar Pradesh --Greater Noida: Birla Institute of     Management Technology (BIMTECH) 338.006 UPU-


Understanding the environment and social policy by Tony FitzpatrickBristol: The Policy Press, 2011, Paperback, 384 pages, ISBN 9781847423795.

Bringing together leading experts, this textbook explores the key social, political, economic and moral challenges that environmental problems pose for social policy in a global context. Combining theory and practice with an interdisciplinary approach, the book reviews the current strategies and policies and provides a critique of proposed future developments in the field. Understanding the environment and social policy guides the reader through the subject in an accessible way using chapter summaries, further reading, recommended webpages, a glossary and questions for discussion. Providing a much-needed overview, the book will be invaluable reading for students, teachers, activists, practitioners and policymakers.

Introduction ~ Tony Fitzpatrick
The environmental challenge ~ Susan M. Hodgson and David Phillips
The challenge to social policy ~ Tony Fitzpatrick
Social challenges: causes, explanations and solutions ~ John Hannigan
Challenges to the State ~ Philip Catney and Timothy Doyle
Environmental ethics ~ Alan Carter
Environmental justice: theories and practices ~ Tony Fitzpatrick
Health and quality of life ~ Glenda Verrinder
Planning and the urban environment ~ Stephen M. Wheeler
Transport ~ Michael Cahill
Citizenship and care ~ Sherilyn MacGregor
Jobs and employment ~ Nikolay Angelov and Maria Vredin Johansson
International development and global poverty ~ Carolyn Snell and Claire Quinn
Conclusion ~ Tony Fitzpatrick.