Wednesday, 5 December 2018

NASSDOC, ICSSR lecture cum Training on "Delivering Research Better Than Ever

We are happy to inform you that NASSDOC, ICSSR is organizing a lecture cum Training on "Delivering Research Better Than Ever: Social Science e-Resources" Organised by NASSDOC under User Awareness Program and talk to be delivered by Mr Ritesh Kumar, EBSCO Information Services at Seminar Hall, Second Floor, NASSDOC,35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi. Date & Time: 08th(Saturday) December at 3 PM
Confirmation of positive attendance on the following link will be highly appreciated and help us in making proper arrangements.
Looking forward to seeing you on
08th(Saturday) December at 3 PM 2018 at NASSDOC.

With regards & Thanks,
Ramesh Yernagula
Director (Documentation)
Indian Council of Social Science Research
35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi
011-23385959(Off.); 23383091.

National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC)
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
(An Autonomous Body under MHRD, Govt. of India)
35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi - 110001
Ph: 011-23074393/94/95,

Friday, 30 November 2018

NEW ARRIVALS List of New Additions with Summaries April – June 2018

NASSDOC has been brought out the current issue of  “New Arrivals: List of New Additions with Summaries” which contains a list of Reference Works, New Books, acquired during the period April – June 2018 and available for use in the National Social Science Documentation Centre of ICSSR. 
In the main text, entries are arranged by Author, followed by bibliographical details and summary of the document. Books with editors have been arranged by title. Subject index is given at the end in which subject refers to the serial number of the entry in the main text.  
Interested readers can consult the listed titles by visiting the library.  
Suggestions are welcome. 
Click on the below Picture to download
 New Arrivals April -June 2018

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Positions at Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi on contract basis

Applications are invited for filling up the following positions in the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi on contract basis:
For full details please see:

RRC lecture on 26th November 2017 at NASSDOC on "Research Data Management in Modern Libraries and Relevance of Dr. S.R.Ranganathan's Philosophy".

Ranganathan Research Circle (RRC), an organ of Ranganathan Research Trust (RRT), New Delhi in collaboration with National Social Science Documentation Center (NASSDOC) , New Delhi organised the RRC lecture on 26th November 2017 at NASSDOC seminar hall on "Research Data Management in Modern Libraries and Relevance of Dr. S.R.Ranganathan's Philosophy", delivered by Dr. Raj Kumar Bhardwaj, Librarian, St Stephen's College, Delhi University, Delhi. The session was chaired by Dr. S M Dhawan. Dr. Heera Kapasi & Dr. Kala Anjan Dutt, Ex-Directors, American Centre Library, Dr. P R Goswami & Dr. Indra Kaul, Ex-Directors, NASSDOC, Sri Ramesh Yenagula, Director, NASSDOC and other dignitaries were present in the lecture.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Current Contents: Vol.3 No.13 July-September 2018

Current Contents is a current awareness issue under "NASSDOC Research Information Series" that provides easy access to complete list of articles' bibliographic information from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals. In this publication, table of contents of selected journals are arranged and at the end author index and keyword index are provided in alphabetical order.

Please click on the below image to access Current Contents.

 Current Contents - Vol.3, Issue.3 - July-September 2018

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Current Contents: Vol.3 No.1 Jan-March, 2018

Current Contents: Vol.3 No.1 Jan-March, 2018

Current Contents is a current awareness issue under   " NASSDOC Research Information Series" that provides easy access to complete list of articles bibliographic information from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals. In this publication, table of contents of selected journals are arranged and at the end author index and keyword index are provided in alphabetical order.

Please click on the below image to access Current Contents.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Current Contents: Vol.2 No.4 October - December 2017

Current Contents is a current awareness issue under   " NASSDOC Research Information Series" that provides easy access to complete list of articles bibliographic information from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals. In this publication, table of contents of selected journals are arranged and at the end author index and keyword index are provided in alphabetical order.

Please click on the below image to access Current Contents.

 Current Contents Vol.2 No.4 Oct-Dec 2017

Monday, 14 May 2018

Social Science Conference Alert - April 2018 onwards

A Quarterly Calender of forthcoming conferences, seminars, workshops, courses, etc. in social sciences and other cognate disciplines.  In this publication, entries in chronological order provide information about date, title, venue and address of the contact point / sponsoring body of the forthcoming conference, seminar etc.  In few cases the information provided is incomplete.  Such information is provided with intention that even incomplete information is useful in some cases.  Appended are subject and location (Geographical) indexes. 
 Social Science Conference Alert

ICSSR invites applications to fill-up vacancies

For full details, please click the link given bellow :

Thursday, 8 February 2018

ICSSR, Invites applications from Indian Social Scientists for its Research Programme

The study proposal (app. 1500 words) should belong to a social science discipline and one of the listed Thrust Areas of research. Details about eligibility/terms and conditions etc, Application Format, Guidelines, Thrust Areas can be accessed and downloaded from
Last date of receipt of the application is 2nd March 2018.
Applicants are required to submit the following in hard copy in prescribed format and duly forwarded by the affiliating institution must be sent to: In-charge, RP Division, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110067 before the last date mentioned in the advertisement. An advance copy of the application can also be sent through email at:
1.Study Proposal in 1500 words.
2.Composition of the research team, including Institutional affiliation.
3.CV of all Researchers (PD and Co-PDs) with their signature and consent in writing.
4.Forwarding letter from the University/Institute of Affiliation.
5.Application form in prescribed format, and
6.Budget proposed.
Note: Those who have applied under Research Programme on “Research Studies on Specific Issues in Special Regions” need not apply again with the same proposal. However, they may apply with a new proposal in given thrust areas. In case of selection in both the categories, they are required to choose any one them.
-Member Secretary