Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Current Contents: Vol.2 No.4 October - December 2017

Current Contents is a current awareness issue under   " NASSDOC Research Information Series" that provides easy access to complete list of articles bibliographic information from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals. In this publication, table of contents of selected journals are arranged and at the end author index and keyword index are provided in alphabetical order.

Please click on the below image to access Current Contents.

 Current Contents Vol.2 No.4 Oct-Dec 2017

Monday, 14 May 2018

Social Science Conference Alert - April 2018 onwards

A Quarterly Calender of forthcoming conferences, seminars, workshops, courses, etc. in social sciences and other cognate disciplines.  In this publication, entries in chronological order provide information about date, title, venue and address of the contact point / sponsoring body of the forthcoming conference, seminar etc.  In few cases the information provided is incomplete.  Such information is provided with intention that even incomplete information is useful in some cases.  Appended are subject and location (Geographical) indexes. 
 Social Science Conference Alert

ICSSR invites applications to fill-up vacancies

For full details, please click the link given bellow :