Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Bibliography on Demand – Compilations

7366 Professional behaviour among adolescents.
7368 Role of maharastra housing and area development. Authority in urban housing development in      Aurangabad region.
7369 Impact of communication on industrial relations.
7370 Social competence among teachers trainees in Neuore and Chittoor districts of A.P.
7371 (1) Economics of cropping pattern.
       (2) Wage discrimination, gender gap in unorganized sector (labour).
7372 An investigation into the barriers encountered by women manager in education in relation to their pattern of adjustment.
7373 An experimental study to test the effectiveness of programme learning strategies in teaching biology.
7374 A study of reflexion of metaphysics and epistomology of Indian philosophy on J. Krishnamurthi's educational philosophy.
7375 A study on value orientation among secondary school students.
7376 A study on value education through teacher education programe with special reference to B.Ed. Colleges under Gauhati university.
7377 Role of sarva shiksha abhiyan in improving girls education in Uttarakhand with special ref to distt Dehradun.
7378 Empowerment of women through village panchyats: with special reference to Bijapur district.
7379 India-America relations: special reference of Pakistan.
7380 An analysis of impact of mechanisation in paddy cultivation on production, employment and agrarian structure in Tanjavur distt(TN).
7381 Edusat administration in Haryana an impact study.
7383 Work life challenges of dual career couple and related coping strategies in corporate sector.
7385 Right to information act-2005 with respect to Chattisgarh.
7387 Impact of globalization on primary education with special ref to Durg C.G.
7389 Role of parenting on the social development of primary school children.
7391 Teacher education (B.Ed) under distance mode.
7392 Organization and management of university libraries in north India with special reference to Utter Pradesh.
7393 A study on the role of parental aspirations on the career choices of adolescents.
7394 A study of life satisfaction in relation to emotional intelligence and sprituality among elder persons of homes and old age homes.


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